What is Computer ? | About Computer

What is Computer ? | About Computer

Definition of Computer: Computer is an electronic device that works with computer Information.The Latin word 'computare', calculate.Computer derived by this means can not do anything without a Program.it decimal number through Hadviadhari designed to represent a string of digits. Word 'Computer'usually Center Processor Unit Plus refers to the internal memory.

 Both numerical and non-numerical procedure it is a modern digital computer (arithmetic and logical) calculations.The basic components: input devices, output devices, central processor. A typical modern computer uses LSI chips.

Charles Babbage computer.The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage "Grand Father" is called the Analytically Engine was called. Punch card as read-only memory it uses.

Other Definition:

 Today, however, the term desktop and laptop computers that most people use most often to be mentioned. No keyboard, monitor, and mouse - when referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically refers only to the computer. However, it is acceptable to refer to everything as the computer together. If you really want to get technical, the box that holds computer "system unit." Called

A personal computer (or PC), the major parts of the motherboard, CPU, memory (or RAM), hard drive, and video card. While personal computers today by far the most common type of computer, there are many other types of computers. For example, a "mini" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once. A "mainframe" is a large, high-powered computer at a time can perform billions of calculations from multiple sources....

Computers Simplified
For beginning computer users, the computer aisles at an electronics store can be quite a mystery, not to mention overwhelming. However, computers really aren't that mysterious. All types of computers consist of two basic parts:

Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the computer monitor or keyboard.
Software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. It is what guides the hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task. Some examples of software are web browsers, games, and word processors such as Microsoft Word.

A motherboard (hardware)

Microsoft Word (software)
Anything you buy for your computer can be classified as either hardware or software. Once you learn more about these items, computers are actually very straightforward.

The first electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), was developed in 1946. It took up 1,800 square feet and weighed 30 tons.

Input (data):

Raw input device to input the information into a computer. The letters, numbers, images, etc. is a collection of


The process according to the instructions given in the operation of the data. The computer system is completely internal process.


Output data processing data processing given by the computer. Output is also called as a result. Storage devices for use in the future we can save these results.